The relief of commitment

There have been two commitments I have made in my life. The first was too recovery and the second was two my husband. Both were utterly terrifying but both have made me feel more secure than I ever dreamed possible. I have always been an anxious person and for many years used the avoidance behaviors of an eating disorder to …

Who am I without my eating disorder?- a Recovery activity

In recovery from an eating disorder, we often find that we have lost ourselves to the ED. We don’t know what we are good at. We haven’t been allowed to be good at anything. We do not know what we like. Liking things was an indulgence that was for weaker individuals. We become the eating disorder. It dictates how we …

The Myth of Accountability

Accountability, in the general sense, means to be held responsible for your actions. It typically means that if you do not live up to goals, promises, or expectations there will be some sort of punishment.  Doesn’t sound very therapeutic, does it? I frequently have discussion, both personally and professionally, about accountability. Clients find  that following a meal plan or not …