Dear Ke$ha,
I just wanted to say thank you for publicly announcing your decision to go into treatment. Seeking treatment for an eating disorder is often the most difficult decision. It feels like there are so many things in the way: work, school, fear of people knowing your secret, not believing you are worthy of treatment, not believing recovery is real, etc. Everything seems to get in the way.
I imagine, for you, the barriers to treatment seemed insurmountable but you’ve done it and you’ve shared it with the world. So much for keeping it a secret! So much for shame and guilt! Well done!
Honestly, the term “role model” is not one I would have applied to you before now but you’ve shared a deeply personal experience with the world. For that authenticity, I thank and applaud you. I hope others out there who are struggling with the decision can take a leaf out of your book.
Thank you again,