Making sourdough! Join us for a two-hour class where you learn the art of making sourdough bread! There is a gluten-free and traditional sourdough option available. The class is on May 11, 2024; 12:00 pm-2:00 pm Space is limited, so call or email ASAP! 850.250.1441;
Black History Month – Let’s take a Cultural exploration.
By Tonya Thomas I want to share something with you: Early on the morning that I interviewed to join this incredible group of individuals at the Mended Wing Counseling Group, my grandmother passed away. She was the strength, roots, and backbone of my family. Her spirit gave me the fortitude to get through that interview. “Grammy” always showered us with …
Winter Blues
By Tonya Thomas How do you get your body moving when everything around you may be prompting you to slowdown?Is it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning and make it to the gym?These cold days can play a role in your productivity. The less you can get out to do. The lessyou want to do. What …
Valentine’s Day
We all have seen the stores littered with pinks and reds, chocolates, gifts, flowers, as well as cards, so it must be true… Valentine’s Day is approaching. This day can be many things: positive, negative, neutral, and anyway in-between. We could be in a romantic relationship that is thriving. This day could also be the day that we get to …
Agents for Change
We feel the need to make a public statement about the issues that we face as a community from a trauma-informed, mental health prospective. Over the past few weeks, we have had conversations from leaders in the mental health community and feel the need to echo some of their words and profess them as values and goals that are working …
Happy Black History month!
Throughout my life, it has been interesting to explore my growth as a person. I recently saw a picture of some Tulane medical students taken in front of a former slave plantation with the quote “We are our ancestors wildest dreams.” Something about it spoke to me in a very visceral way. What did my ancestors hope for? What were …
Hello world!
HELLO WORLD! Demo content.
Coming Back
It has been a long time, almost a year, since I posted anything. So much has changed since then. So much. I closed my practice in Cambridge, MA. My husband and I packed up our apartment, two kids, and two cats. We moved 1,500 miles. I reopened my practice in Pensacola, FL and that’s only half of it. I still …